School management and person responsible in terms of press law (V.i.S.d.P.)
Information in accordance with Section 5 TMG
Operator and contact:
Erich Kästner School Münster
Poetterhoek 45
48145 Münster
Poetterhoek 45, 48145 Münster
Telephone number: (+49)251 - 98 62 31 50
Email address: erich-kaestner-schule(at)
The Erich Kästner School Münster is represented by Ms. van Ellen (headmaster)
Responsible supervisory authority:
Münster District Government Domplatz 1 -3
48143 Münster
Telephone: (+49)251-411-0
Responsible for journalistic-editorial content in accordance with Section 55 II RstV:
Mrs van Ellen
Images and graphics:
Information about the source of the images and graphic material used:
Image sources: own images, images from the web host WIX