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Our school has a dedicated team of teachers and educational professionals trained in special education who look after the well-being, support and education of our students. Together we create a positive learning environment in which each child is supported individually.

Our school management

Ms. van Ellen and Mr. Horsthemke run our school and are in constant contact with students, parents, educational staff and teachers.

contact details

Mrs. van Ellen


Mrs. Bußkamp

class teacher S2a


Mrs. Füser

open all-day program


Mrs. Himmelskötter

class teacher 3a

(tiger fish)

Mrs Sieker

class teacher S1b


Mrs. Stöcker

teacher trainee

Mr. Horsthemke

vice principal

Mrs. Damer

school social worker

Mrs. Gerlach

class teacher S1a


Mrs. Holtmann

class teacher 4b

(brown bears)

Mrs. Schwarzkopf

class teacher 4a


Mrs. Werning


Mrs. Engel

class teacher SEa


Mrs. Heinz

Class teacher SEb (moles)

Mrs. Seiffer

class teacher 3a

(tiger fish)

Mrs. Stöcker

teacher trainee

Mrs. Wolbers

class teacher S2b


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